Filters for Air-Ace

The Air-Ace P2 (R) is approved in accordance with European Standard EN143:2000/A1:2006.

The filter used with the Air-Ace safety respirator protects you against all sorts of dust both solid and liquid particles.

The Air-Ace filters are produced using the latest respiratory filtrations medias on the market to date.
Each filter is individually wrapped in foil and marked with norm, type, lot number and expiry date.

The very large surface of the exchangeable filter ensures an extremely low breathing resistance and a long lifespan.

P2 Filter

The filter is used as protection against common dust when working with metal, wood and stone etc.

Should be used against hazardous particulates including both solid and liquid particles.
Dust, mist and fume of all types.

The protection provided by classification P2 also covers the protection provided by lower class P1.

The P2 (R) filters come in packages of 5 pieces or a box containing 50 pieces.

The filter itself weighs as little as 9 grams.

Carbon nuisance filter

The Air-Ace can also be fitted with an active carbon nuisance filter but is restricted to use against unpleasant odours.

The carbon nuisance filter can only be used in combination with the P2 (R) filter and is NOT approved as protection against toxic gases and mists.

The Air-Ace nuisance carbon filters come in packages of 5 pieces or a box containing 50 pieces.

The filter itself weighs as little as 9 grams.

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